Sunday, August 27, 2006


You know what really drives me crazy? When people walk thier dogs without a leash or let them run around their yard, no leash, no fence...nothing. Don't get me wrong, I realize the unexpected happens. Dogs dash out the front door or learn how to open the fence, better yet...they chew your fence to pieces (I happen to be the owner of one of metro Detroit's better known escape artists). I'm talking about when people knowingly do these things with thier dog. First of all, I guess I have to admit that I am insanely jealous of anyone whose dog behaves that well to even attempt it. Secondly, I don't buy it. It is just not safe. As good as you think your dog is, there is always the chance that they will run. They could see something, get spooked, who knows, but why take the chance?

But the reason it really gets to me is because it makes life SO much more difficult for those of us who do walk thier dogs on a leash. On more than one occasion I have been walking my dog (sometimes both of them) and here comes this dog out of nowhere, running up to mine and just starts this mass chaos! Here's the owner trying to get them back, saying "fido no! Come back here!" (which works really well doesn't it) completely shocked that thier dog would run to meet another dog that they see on a walk. Even the nicest most well behaved dog, when they see another one, will generally want to go and meet that dog. Does it mean they are a bad dog? No, not at all. They probably just want to play, or say hi or whatever.

Even if all the dogs involved are nice and totally fine with eachother, it still makes it 10 times harder for me to control my dog! Have you ever been around 2 or more very excited (and large) dogs? CRAZY! And lets just face it. My dog may not want to meet your dog. So, here I am trying to calm down a dog (and sometimes his brother at the same time) that is almost the same size as ME while this strange dog is running around us causing all kinds of ruckus. And we can't even walk away, because fido can just follow. And my dog, who is generally a good dog and will listen to me if he can even here me above fido's whining and barking and his owners feeble attempts to get him back. But he can't hear me, so he is getting totally frustrated and overstimulated and will probably lash out at fido just to stop the maddness!! (And, just a little extra information for those who didn't know...most times even a very confident and well behaved dog will feel threatened when he is on a leash and the other dog is not. It is like a weakness for him, so he feels vulnerable).

And then what happens? I'll tell you. Everyone who sees what is going on thinks...what a bad dog (my dog), what's wrong with him? Why would he lash out at poor innocent fido running around free to do whatever he pleases (while my dog would've totally minded his own business had fido been on a leash or behind a fence), fido is just so nice and cute...he just wanted to play. And what about that owner...can't she control her dog? I am! That's why he is on a leash!

Whew. Okay, so now I got that out. Sorry about my soapbox there. If you are someone who lets their dog run free or walks them off leash, I don't hate you. I don't mean for this to sound judgemental. It would be really great if all dogs could just run around free and all other dogs and people just loved them and everything was just fine and dandy. But that is just not the case.

I really honestly love you all! I'm just telling my side of the story. Perhaps it just doesn't occur to people the things that can happen. But seriously, it is so frustrating. And now I hesitate to walk my dog because of all the others that run around free. Too many unexpected things can happen. I personally believe that a dog should always be on a leash even if they are the best most well behaved dog in the world. It is just better for the dog, for the other dogs around and all the people involved.


Scott Donnelly said...

You are dead on right with the leash/no leash issue. We just moved to a place where no one has fences and there are tons of dogs. Most people have and "invisible fence" or something to that effect going on, but we have had a couple incidents already with uncontrolled pooches. I will let Cheryl tell you what happened to her.

The long and the short of it is, there are laws in effect in most cities or townships that penalize owners whose dog's are off leash. No matter how well behaved your dog is, there is a chance that they or the other dog will do something unexpected.

I'm not saying that you should report these people with unshackled canines, but they need to respect your rights to walk your dogs safely. If it continues to happen, ask the owner nicely to allow you to safely walk your dogs by controlling his.

Cheryl said...

I'll blog about it.

Anonymous said...

Autumn goes bananas from inside our house when a leaf drops off of a tree. She cannot be outside without a leash, she chases everything.