Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Well my appointment yesterday went really well. I was relieved to hear a good strong heart beat again. 153 bpm. I was a little worried that being so sick could've been hard on the baby, but everything seems to be going okay so far.

First milestone...we scheduled my ultrasound appointment. It will be Monday, Jan 29th at 11:00am. Hopefully, if all goes well and the little one cooperates...we will find out if we are having a boy or a girl!

Second milestone...I've gained 8 pounds. Of course I know it is what I need to do, and I have a long way to go with many more pounds to put on, but I'm not going to pretend to be overly excited about it.

Third milestone...I wore my first pair of maternity pants today! I still have a few pairs of my regular jeans/pants that I can fit into...but some of them I can't button anymore and that is just becoming a hassle. So, I guess I've hit that "in between" phase. My normal clothes are getting uncomfortable and maternity clothes are still a little too big...but I'm gonna go with it! There is a maternity and children's resale shop down the street from my work. I bought a few things yesterday and a few other things online. My friend Stacy has given me some things too! Thank heavens for that. I hate to spend a lot of money on maternity stuff, but hopefully I will get to wear it least once.

I just realized after my blog yesterday, that I have some things for my journal right here in my blog! Updating all of you has actually kept me more on track than I thought. So...more to come!!!

1 comment:

Kristi Kurtz said...

I love your belly...just thought you should know that! :) XOXO