Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Good Intentions

I have all these goals, hopes, plans, dreams etc...

Some are big and some are simple, but right now they are all lost in the world of good intentions. I have felt like such a slug lately. I have not done anything but lay on the couch and wash a few dishes and clothes every now and then (not nearly as much as I should be). I guess I could give myself a little slack since I am making a baby here and I managed to survive the 1st trimester not to mention one of the worst viruses I have ever encountered...but none the less...this is not like me. It is just weird to not be "doing", "accomplishing", or "crossing things off the list".

I dreamed of the days I would be pregnant for so long...I thought I would have so much to say and do. I wanted to journal the entire experience, scrapbook every moment, research every child rearing related topic I could...and yet here I am 2 journals (virtually empty), a handful of belly pics on the computer (not any worth scrapbooking), and my mother doing research on childhood vaccinations for me.

I know there is still time...I mean, the baby won't be here until late June and once we find out what it is...I'm sure we'll have lots of planning & shopping etc...to be involved in...but I just feel like there is not enough time to do everything I wanted to do. I have already lost 3 months of this experience! If I continue like this I'll never be "ready" for this kid.
I hope that 2nd trimester energy I've heard about kicks in soon!!!

1 comment:

Kristi Kurtz said...

Dont be so hard on yourself. I think the weirdest human phenomenon is..."When we are busy...all we want to do is rest and when we are resting all we want to do is be busy". THe truth is...this has probabaly not been your "ideal" time as you have stated so far...and that cold was AWFUL (poor girl)...but you will have time to do those sweet things you planned. You will have the time to journal and take pics...and your baby will LOVE those things you have to show him or her. I mean that scrapbook you made about your dad was AWESOME! Just take each day as it comes...dont look at what you arent doing but what you have. Maybe God is having it go this way for a reason...stop and listen and wait. :) There will always be wash to do and dishes to do. There will probably never be this kind of rest again in your life. Bask in the glory of laying around. I know it isnt who you are...you like to be busy....but hey then....do it for me. haha! Love you so much! See you tonight hopefully! XOXO