Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Well, I think I am finally on the mend from this horrible virus I caught. It seems like it really got a lot of people this time around. Maybe we'll find out what we all had was actually the plague of 2006.

Shortly after my last post, my cough got much worse. I was up all night, for many nights in a row coughing uncontrollably. Just to make matters worse, I ended up pulling a muscle in between my ribs during one of my cough attacks. Nice. So now on top of congestion, screaming facial pain, a cough that won't quit, and a fever...I had added excruciating pain whenever I would breathe, cough, sneeze or laugh (although I wasn't doing much laughing at the time).

It turns out I did end up with a sinus infection, so I finally got some antibiotics that helped me kick this nastiness. My main problem now is this pulled muscle between my ribs. My congestion has broken up, but unfortunately that causes me to cough quite a bit (not nearly as much, thank heavens) and that is still quite painful for me.

Mike was lucky enough to catch the plague from me, so he is recovering now as well. We both still felt pretty bad on New Years Eve, so we decided to stay home. It was actually kinda nice. We had a chance to just sit on the couch together and talk for hours. We don't do that often enough. I expected to be asleep by 9pm, but we talked so long we got to see the ball drop! Even though we didn't feel so hot, I'm really glad we got to spend this time together. Hopefully we'll make a point to do this more often.

At least now I can see light at the end of this tunnel. I have felt a little better each day for the last few days. I am getting better sleep and I'm sure my sore, beaten up body will recover fairly soon. I have been a little worried about the baby through all of this. It was just such an ordeal for my body...I can't imagine what the little bean went through. I have an appointment next week...hopefully everything will be okay.

I hope you all are doing well...take your vitamins and wash your hands!!!

1 comment:

Kristi Kurtz said...

Glad you are feeling better! Ia m sorry it was so bad for you! Yikes.

Love you and miss you. Dinner soon? Talk to you later.