Wednesday, November 05, 2008

November in Michigan

I have missed writing in a blog. I let myself become so overwhelmed by the networking sites...updating pictures and managing comments...which I love when it comes to staying in touch with people, but for some reason it has taken me away from getting my thoughts out there. I feel like I need a fresh start, so here I am.

Today in Michigan, it was 70 degrees and sunny. We are not accustomed to such mild and down right enjoyable weather this time of year. I took my 16 month old to the park to enjoy the weather and attempt to get some good fall pictures.

I am trying my hand at photography, and in the process learning all the fun things my camera can do. One downside to this is that sometimes the perfect photo moment is lost in the experiment. I really had some great opportunities today, but the settings weren't quite hence the pictures were not the quality I would have preferred. I followed Isaac around for nearly 2 and a half hours. I am coming to realize how difficult it is to photograph a 16 month old. He is always "going". Oh how I long for the days before he could walk when I just propped him up in a chosen location and snapped away to my heart's content.

On any other day, I may have considered this "photo shoot" a failure and packed up my bags (and my child) with a sense of disappointment. Today was different...I don't know if it was the unseasonably good weather, but whatever it was...I left happy. Happy that the sun was shining, that I had more than 2 hours to do absolutely nothing, that I had some fun with my boy, that I learned a few things about my camera and photography in general, and that I still got a handful of decent pictures to archive the entire experience.

So today is a fresh start...for blogging, for photography, and for perspective.


My Kids Mom said...

It is incredibly difficult to take pictures of a moving's impossible at times!

Stacey said...

He is so much fun...and he is changing so much, ...even from the last time you were over!! hee..

I'd say it was a total success!!!
all I am getting these days (with the stupid delay in a digital camera)& a boy with an attention span of well NOTHING... are all side profile shots nice huh??..LOL

Love him...and love you.

Kristi Kurtz said...

You have roped me in. I will try blogging again too. haha! Love you!

**but with the "smarts" to have comment moderation. hahaha