Sunday, June 10, 2007


So, I have been off work for exactly one week, and already I am amazed at how easy it has been to completely WASTE time. Seriously, I'm not talking about being still or resting...I am accepting that those are important things for me to do right now...I literally mean wasting time.

I don't think I have ever watched as much television as I have in the past week. Not only that...but a lot of what I am watching is reruns of things I have already seen (some things I have seen multiple times!). The beginning of my week consisted of eating, sleeping and watching T.V.

Waiting is really hard for me...being still is really hard for me...I'm not looking to be running around crazy right now, or to be making an appearance at any and every social event...I just want to turn off the stupid T.V.! There are so many other things I could be doing that would still allow me to be restful...but day after day I am not choosing those things. So, as I start a new week I'm going to make some goals. Here is what I want my time to look like:

1. Spending time with God in devotions and prayer.
2. Enjoying nice days outside with the dogs.
3. Reading some good books.
4. Practice for my photography class.
5. Walking on the treadmill (slowly).
6. Maybe a nap or two here and there.
7. Listening to music.
8. Limited time watching T.V. and only things I have NOT seen yet.

Anyone have any other ideas?? I'm open to suggestions! Think I can do it? I sure hope so. I'll let you know.


Anonymous said...

Spend time doing the things you won't be able to do for a while after the little one arrives.

Anonymous said...

Love reading your blogs! Love you! Love KK