Thursday, October 05, 2006


A few days ago my friend Carrie wrote about living away from her family. It touched my heart. She talked about the dream of them all being able to live close to eachother again someday. Selfishly, I immediately thought..."don't move away! I'd miss you!".

I have never lived away from my family. I was born in Michigan where all my extended family is (with the exception of 2 aunts and uncles). I lived in the same house for 25 years and then I got married and stayed close by. My husband's family is all here in Michigan too! I never even went away to college. Then last year I actually moved back into the house I grew up in! Talk about a home body.

I thought that I really couldn't relate to how Carrie was feeling, until I remembered my best friend Jamie who moved away to S.C. for her husband's job. She continually shares the heartache of being away from her family and her friends. She is more like a sister to me, so it was like part of my family moving away. I miss her every day and I wish so much for her to live close to us again one day and be a more present part of my life again. I began to think about all the people in Carrie's life who are feeling the same way...wishing she were "home" again and close by. So, I guess I had a better understanding then I thought I did. I began to pray for all my friends away from their families...that God would bless them and have them in a place that is best for them.

I know that God has huge blessings in store for Jamie. He brought them to S.C. for a reason, and I know that God will bless their faithfulness and obedience. Thankfully, our friendship has not suffered. She is still my dearest and closest friend. So, I still hope that one day she'll be home, but I know that God will do what is best for her...and that is what I really want for her. I love you Jamie!

On a different note, I've discovered that I can also relate to my friends away from their loved ones through the loss of my father. Since he passed away 2 years ago, there hasn't been a day that I haven't thought about him and wished I could just "hang" with him again. Many days I wish I had done more while he was here.

It sounds like the "christian" thing to say, but I can assure you it is true...My dad is in a much better place. This is what God determined was best for him. Just like when He leads people to different places or new opportunities here on earth. Like those who move away, you do have some excitement for the new opportunities that await them (I know my dad is living it up in Heaven! He finally has a chance to relax and enjoy himself and not be burdened by this world and all the responsibilites that he faithfully and humbly carried day by day. He's finally getting the reward in heaven that he worked so hard for here on earth.), but the selfish side of your heart wants them close again. But, whatever the circumstance is...there is a place deep in our hearts that really wants God's best for those we love.

So, don't take your relationships for granted. Treasure each and every moment, whether it's sitting together in the same room, talking over the phone, or sharing through email. Let each and every moment together fill up your heart. Then, when the time comes that you cannot be together on this earth, your heart will still hold a piece of them. Trust that God is doing what is best for you and your loved ones. Let Him fill the void of loved ones lost.

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