Saturday, August 05, 2006


At bible study last night we were talking about God's will and how it can be so difficult to know what you should do or what it is He wants for you. We continually second guess ourselves or take matters into our own hands because we feel like God is not doing He's waiting for us to make a move, or figure something out, or make the right decision. We read about God's peace and wonder...where is it? I sure don't feel peace about this or that, about this decision I have to make or about the decision I just made!

My thought is that I find myself often looking for peace about a specific situation, circumstance, or decision. I'm finding that really the peace God offers is found in Him alone, not in our circumstances. His peace is not found in the answer He gives us for that particular is found in Him. The very fact that He is in control, knows what is going on in our lives, will do what is best for us and has the situation all figured out is where we find His peace. This is how we can have His peace when His answers are not what we expect, because it's not about the is about HIM. "In Him you will have perfect peace".


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that, Nancy! It's so true. That will definitely give me a new perspective when I am feeling bad about "the situation" I'm in living here, away from you and my family!!!

Anonymous said...

I know I was at that bible study and I heard your answer for that, but I never said thank you. Thanks for sharing that perspective, I've never looked at it like that before. I just always think I'm missing something, or doing something wrong or not "holy" enough to hear what God is telling me. I'm obviously making it way too hard. It so simple. Concentrate on my faith and trusting God-and that's it. I don't need to worry so much (who, me? worry?!) about what I should or shouldn't do. If I'm just trusting God, it will all fall into palce as it should. Thanks for opening my eyes to that...I love our small group!! I love hanging out with you guys and knowing I can trust you all with my thoughts and fears and prayers. Thanks for your friendship.